Thursday, February 21, 2008

Wild Ones Day 1

I decided to start a blog because I have so much time on my hands and I love being online talking to my friends. This should make it easier than sending so many different pictures out to so many different people. I named the blog where the wild things are because what else do you name a blog? That is also Derek's favorite book and with 2 kids and a puppy lab I feel like I live with the wild ones! I will start with these pictures because they are some of my favorites! Derek had Savannah over for a play date and we had the whole spiderman family-I guess it was a good thing to save all the spiderman costumes he had outgrown! When we were in North Carolina over the holidays Derek went into a jewelry boutique with me and found a beautiful red headband and brought it over to me. I thought it was for his sister but he quickly told me Madison, a girl in his class, had a headband like it and he wanted to buy Savannah one! He had some Christmas money and he was willing to spend his own money on it! So sweet! Where were the boys like that when I was in Kindergarten, or college for that matter? Anyway, you can see how cute Savannah is, no wonder he is so into her! But seriously kindergarten?


Laura said...

Oh, my gosh! I hardly recognize Noelle! She looks so grown up! I love the bangs...I hope it was intentional (ha, ha!)

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness so happy you started a blog... I have been gettting it to my phone each day but it is difficult to type a lot on my phone so now I am leaving comments. So... Noelle is so grown up and Derek handsome as ever. So cute about buying the headband, but yes Amy you are right he is such a gentlemen.

Unknown said...

P.S. Savannah is a cutie Derek should keep track of her....