Monday, December 8, 2008

OK I know it has been a long time since I have blogged but these just had to be shared! Dad this is just a sneak preview of more to come! I have a really good friend who is a photographer and she is amazing! Enjoy the pictures. Happy holidays! Love, Amy

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Ice Cream Monsters

We took my mom to the airport this morning and that always makes me sad! So what better way to cheer up than have ice cream and shop. We stopped by an outside mall so the kids could see the big fountains and shopped until the kids were hungry. Ice cream was probably not the best choice for lunch but it seemed like fun at the time!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Swimming and Diving!!!

Jeff took a week off and really worked with the kids on swimming and then they went to the pool with some older kids and the babysitter and the guy that taught Derk to do tricks on his skateboard taught him to dive off the diving board! The little guy got it the first try. I wonder what it must be like to have no fear!!! I didn't download the video of him going off the high dive but he jumps off the high dive too! He is growing up sooo fast. He starts 1st grade this week!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Monsters R Still Playing!

Hi Guys! Sorry I have been a bad blogger! Work is finally starting to get easier! I actually feel like I am starting to make since when I talk to Cardiologist! And I am starting to get in a routine. For those that don't know, Derek was biten by a brown recluse spider and ended up in the ER. He is fine now-just really freaked me out! He had a nasty bite on his stomach and a poisonous line came out of the bite and went all the way up to his heart. It turned black and blue and got real ugly. Now things are calm and the kids are up to their old tricks. Derek rigged this wagon pully up tonight and I wasn't sure if I should laugh and go get the camera or tell him to stop because it was dangerous. It only got a little scary when he tried to take her down a hill and the wagon caught up to the 4wheeler! They were having so much fun I didn't have the heart to make them stop. I hope you are all well.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Smore pictures!!

We went to the lake today and I got some good pictures and even set the timer and got a family picture!!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Rock Climbing

OK so i have been very slack in April but I finally feel like I can breathe with the new job. I worked late last night on my computer so I decided to goof off this morning and take some new pictures of the kids! This may be the last blog until June. I leave for Vegas next week and NJ the following week. The good news is I plan to see my one of my best friend's new baby while I am in NJ. She lives outside of Philly in a beautiful town called Bren Mawr-anyway it should be a quick train ride to see her on the weekend. Her baby was born last Wed. and he was only 5+pounds. He was born early, so i'm hoping he will still be tiny when I get to see him!! Enjoy the pictures of the kids. They are growing so fast!